
Blackjack – Learn the Latest Entertainment Tips 2024

Blackjack first originated in China, but with the appeal it brings, it has been adapted to online games but still retains its traditional entertainment, increases excitement and is popular with many users.

What is the blackjack game at PHDream?

Blackjack, also known as “blackjack”, is a very popular card game in casinos. The goal of this game is to have the total points of the cards closest to the number 21 without exceeding this number.


The game is usually played between a bettor and a “dealer”, in which you have to try to get a higher score than the “dealer” without getting “busted” (going over 21 points).

Games often combine luck and clever strategy and are popular with many people due to their appeal and ease of play.

Why is this game of “blackjack” so popular?

So why is the card game Blackjack so popular and loved by so many people? Please read the content below to find out the answer to your question!

  • Simple and easy-to-understand gameplay: Easy-to-understand rules are suitable for all new members participating for the first time or without experience.
  • Attractive tactical nature: Although the luck factor is the most important, you can apply skills or tactics to increase the chance of winning. Create a sense of excitement, fun and challenge for participants.
  • Has a level of social interaction: The game often takes place between multiple “betting pets”. Creating opportunities for interaction and conversation increases the entertainment value of this game.
  • Comes with reasonable odds: Blackjack often has a higher winning percentage compared to many other games in the casino. This increases trust and attracts a large number of players.
  • Diverse gameplay: There are many attractive innovations and different variations of the game, from the usual way to the online version. Increase the interesting experience for you.

These factors combined make blackjack at PHDream one of the most popular games and many players are especially interested in this subject.

Best Blackjack Tips 2024

Best Blackjack Tips 2024

It is important to equip yourself with more knowledge about blackjack tips, and you should read through them and learn more about them. Below are some of the best effective “blackjack” tips.

Understand and appreciate the value of blackjack

Understanding the value of cards in blackjack means you must know how to calculate the points of the cards making effective and reasonable playing decisions. Some simple calculations are:

  • Cards 2 to 10: Value equal to the number on each card
  • JQK Card: Each card is worth 10 points
  • Ace: This can be counted as 1 or 11 points, depending on your choice to optimize total points.

Understanding the card values ​​helps users make wise tactical decisions in this game.

Know When to Hit or Stand in Blackjack

Deciding (to draw more cards) and when (to stand) is extremely important. Here are specific ways to nurture:

Know When to Hit or Stand in Blackjack

  • When to “hit” and withdraw
  • A total score under 11: Always draw another card because you cannot “bust” (go over 21)
  • Total points from 12 to 16: Draw more if the dealer has 7 or more (with a high risk of increase)
  • Total score of 17 or more: Normally you should not draw any more
  • When to stand still
  • The total score of 17 or more: Usually should stop to avoid a “bust” situation
  • Total points from 12 to 16: You should stop if the “dealer” has cards from 2 to 6 (because the dealer can “bust” higher)

Knowing when to hit and when to stand can help you maximize your chances of winning big at blackjack.

Apply the “double down” method

Double down” is one of the playing strategies in blackjack, in which a gambler can double their initial wager after they have dealt their initial two cards. Here is how it goes:

  • When to Double Down:
    • Total 10 or 11: When you have a total of 10 or 11 points, with the dealer having a low card, like 2 to 6, you should double.
    • Advantage when using: When doubling, the “bettor” only receives one more card and has a higher chance of winning.
  • How to do:
    • Notice to the “dealer”: When you decide to double, place another bet equal to the original bet next to your bet box.
    • Get one more card: The “gamer” will then receive a single card and cannot draw anymore.
  • Smart Strategy:
    • Maximize your chances of winning: choose to “double down” when you feel you have an advantage, as having a higher total with a strong card from the “dealer” can increase your chances of winning even more.


Applying and using the “doubling method” is a pretty smart way to help players maximize their profits in this game.

Choosing the right blackjack table

Choosing the right blackjack table means finding a table with favorable conditions. It helps increase your chances of winning and is suitable for your current capital, so you should choose the right betting table.


Above is a summary of the article about the popularity of blackjack and some good tips for it at PHDream Bookmaker. Suppose you find it useful after reading it. Please share it with your brothers, brothers, friends, …, so that they can equip themselves with new knowledge and easily win at this bookmaker.

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